
In the Media

Amazing product!
“Thank you so much for coming by our booth and dropping off one of your amazing teethers! I got home last night, and Eris, my 5 month old is already getting so much relief from it! What an amazing product!”
- Amanda Chagoya, Marketing Manager of Bebe Au Lait, Los Gatos, CA

To give as gifts...
​“This morning I went to the dentist and got Toofeze from Dr. Steve for our little Stella and she already loves it! I will definitely be buying more of these- for us and to give as gifts. What a great product! Thanks!”
- Sara March, Denver CO

My "absolutely" favorite!
​“Kooper is almost 6 months old (and) loving his new Toofeze… Best teething toy/soother EVER! After 5 kids & thousands of dollars I’m sure on teething junk, this is hands down my absolutely favorite & Koop’s as well!”
- The Fowlows, Drayton Valley,
AB Canada

Doctor recommended...
"As a pediatrician who deals with many parental concerns about teething and the effectiveness and safety of current treatments, I always recommend the Toofeze teether without hesitation. It’s, by far, the most effective teether I have ever come across. And, as a father, I am grateful that my children can become soothed so easily without having to use any medicines or gels. It has become an absolute necessity in my home and diaper bag!”
- Brandon Scott Davison-Tracy, MD, Denver, CO

Healthy and Safe!
“Thank you so much for sharing the Toofeze with me. What a healthy, safe way to help infants and parents get through the difficult time during the eruption of baby teeth!”
-Steven Law, D.D.S. Metro Dental Care, Denver, CO

Viola, relief for your baby...
“As a nurse, I always keep an open mind when discussing the needs of babies. Toofeze offers safe materials, no leaking gels, no painful hands from holding 'ice'; babies like to hold onto it and can easily get it into their mouths. It is by far the most portable teether… ‘voila’ relief for your baby’s pain…”
- Constance McDaniel, RN,
Littleton, CO